
Remedies for Oral Imperfections

Remedies for Oral Imperfections

tooth brace at panoral dental clinics

Having a damaged smile can really affect a person’s self-esteem, as well as give them a low self-perception of themselves. It can make them extremely conscious of themselves therefore causing shyness thus preventing them from being themselves and doing what they love to do especially in public places.  Missing, stained or crooked teeth can cause people not to smile at all, hereby making them appear unfriendly. This can also make them feel embarrassed of what others will think of their dental imperfections.

Causes of Oral imperfections

While some of these imperfections like broken tooth,crooked tooth, extreme diastema (gapped teeth), Hyperdontia (extra teeth that grows directly behind or close to your usual primary or permanent teeth) occur naturally, others may be caused by bad habits that have been developed over time. These habits include;


Smoking and consuming other tobacco products can lead to gum diseases. The gums are affected because smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, thus causing the infected gums not to heal. Smoking causes people to have more dental plaque and causes gum disease to get worse more quickly than in non-smokers. Gum disease is still the most common cause of tooth loss in adults.

Smoking can also lead to tooth stain and in some cases, mouth cancer.

Constantly consuming sugary foods and drinks

Getting rid of this habit can be extremely difficult but in order to maintain a healthy Enamel and oral health in general, you must cut down your intake of sugary foods and drinks as it wears out the enamel thus exposing your teeth to bacteria that causes decay.

Improper Oral hygiene

It is no news that a lot of people seldom or never brush their teeth twice daily. The accumulation of food particles in the mouth can cause the growth of bacteria population in the mouth thereby resulting to tooth decay, or cavities which can result to tooth loss. The importance of maintaining a good oral hygiene cannot be over emphasized. Brushing twice a day takes less than 15 minutes of your time. If you can remember to eat your food, you should also remember to brush or floss in order to remove the food particles left in the mouth.

These habits exhibited individually or collectively have been a major cause of most oral imperfections.

Correcting Oral imperfections

This begins with you making a decision to maintain your oral health.

It is important that you visit a dental team for proper diagnosis and treatment. These treatments may range from tooth bonding, braces, teeth whitening

Working on these imperfections can help improve your self-confidence as well as the quality of your life. You can now smile confidently without restrictions, make new friends, attend those parties, hang out with your friends, attend those interviews, and even take those amazing pictures without the fear of being judged or made fun of.

Remember, you can’t convince people to have confidence in you if you don’t have confidence in yourself.

Think it’s time to make a dental goal and start giving your oral health the attention it deserves? Contact us at Pan Oral Dental Clinic and schedule an appointment and start putting your best face forward now and for years to come.





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